This is the macro split that I have used with all of our World Champion fighters during their fight camp in order to make sure they are;
- Properly fuelled
- Recovery optimally
- Fuelling each training session as best as they can
It is called the 3,2,1 principle;
- 3 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight
- 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight
- 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight
The reason this is structured this way is because we know that carbs are extremely important for fighters during camp. They are the predominant fuel source and they are what allow you to perform your best during camp.
Protein is your next highest because during fight camp you will be losing body fat and we want to minimise the amount of muscle that you lose. In order to do that we need to make sure we have a high protein intake.
Fat is the lowest not because fat is not important, it is, but for fight camp, we just need to give our body the minimum it needs to get by. This allows us to stay healthy, but also effectively manage our calorie intake.
Next time you're working out some of your meals for fight camp, try these numbers out and notice the difference in your performance around training and during the camp.