Athlete Performance Plans

We've worked alongside professional athletes in all disciplines of sport including professional stars in AFL, Soccer, Rugby, NFL, Crossfit & Hyrox. Our meal plans and nutrition guides are designed to give you the edge and perform at your best. Get the best advice on training nutrition, power to weight ratios, supplement guidelines and improve your daily health with our Athlete Performance Plans.

Power:Weight Ratio Guides

Recover Your Best

Improve General Health

Expert Supplement Advice

Athlete Plans

Athlete Guides

Consult Call


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TFD Performance Plans

Payment plans & Afterpay available, get in touch to discuss your needs and payment options.

Purchase one of our tailored, individualised meal plans to help you achieve your performance goals in your chosen sport. This comprehensive performance plan will give you the confidence to get the most out of your training and recovery, game day and comp day performances as well as improving general health. These plans are tailored to individuals competing in a range of sport disciplines from Crossfit athletes to tennis champions, Olympians to AFL athletes and anywhere in between. We've worked with some of the biggest athletes in sport and apply all of the experiences from the biggest sporting stages into our performance meal plans for you.


What you'll receive:

  • Comprehensive initial consult and assessment

  • Meals and portions built to your requirements

  • Training block and game day/competition day nutrition strategies

  • Training specific food and hydration protocols + full carb loading guides

  • Evidence based supplements advice 

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